Video Games Club

Friday 31st May at 19:30 h – M|A|C Prison

Free entry with prior booking

More information

A meeting organised by the Hangar Videogames Club where we will share experiences of working relationships in videogames. Video games where we simulate jobs, video games that we have played during working hours, farming and grinding when it has been a source of income and any story you want to share. In this session we will chat, play and make picapica. Led by Carlos Carbonell and Miguel Moreno Roldán.

If you want to participate you can share a game that has been linked to your work in your life or share a story that you know. If we can we will try to install the game you propose, if not we will watch videos. It is not obligatory to contribute stories, you can come and simply participate by chatting and playing.

The Video Game Club is an informal group of people interested in video games not only as forms of entertainment but also as tools of knowledge, who meet periodically in Hangar to share a while playing and discussing video games and/or topics related to video games. The typology of these meetings is varied: presentations, debates, talks, purely recreational meetings… The club is open to anyone interested. It is not necessary to have any previous experience or knowledge about videogames, and being part of it does not imply any kind of commitment.


Exhibition The transparent factory

From 30/05 to 23/06 2024 – M|A|C Prison

This exhibition displays a series of landscapes that question the relationship between video games and work, as well as the value of time and imagination. Although we are used to thinking of video games as a leisure activity or a moment of escape, they are increasingly becoming more and more like a complement to the working day insofar as we create content or generate data that other companies will transform into commercial profiles, behavioural patterns or training for artificial intelligence tools.

At the same time, work is progressively adopting components of games reconverted into control tools. Short games, simple rules, repetitive routines and a meticulously calibrated balance between gratification and frustration are the ingredients of a new digital ergonomics that is conquering screens and blurring the boundaries between leisure time and work time, between unproductivity and hyperproductivity. In the transparent factory, it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish when we are inside and when we are outside.

With Marta AzparrenRaquel Friera and Roc Parés, curated by Marc Villanueva Mir.